Copyright laws protect original works of expression including, but not limited to, novels, short stories, fine and graphic arts, photographs, software, films, paintings, and recorded musical performances. For copyright laws to protect a work of expression, it must be original and an independent, creative effort of its author. Then, depending on when the work was… Continue Reading →
The Fair Use Rule, a component of copyright law, allows individuals to use an author’s work without their direct permission. This hinders the copyright owner’s rights to a small degree, but doesn’t lessen their protection under the law. Professors, authors, printers, photographers and publishers should understand what constitutes fair use, and what spells a copyright… Continue Reading →
So what determines if an advertisement is unlawful? If it misleads or deceives consumers, it is considered unlawful. Both federal and state laws regulate advertising in conjunction with the Federal Trade Commission. Furthermore, the FTC doesn’t have to prove that an ad deceived even one consumer, just that it has a deceptive characteristic or approach…. Continue Reading →
Trademark laws protect specific words, phrases, domain names, slogans, logos and other symbols used to distinguish between different brands on the market. A trademark allows consumers to identify a specific brand in the marketplace, because most consumers use trademarks to make purchasing decisions. Federal and state trademark laws protect the duplication and misuse of a… Continue Reading →